Implementation of Process Analysis and Performance Management System
There are principles that must be followed in order for organizations to make a profit. Efficient working is one of these principles.
With a correct process analysis and the establishment of a performance management system in your organization, you will have a performance management system in line with the objectives of the organization.
Process Analysis, Reorganization and Strategic Planning Stages: Step 1: Examination of the organization's structure, organizational chart and business processes
Step 2: Preparation and distribution of the process analysis surveys to staff
Step 3: Collecting and analyzing surveys
Step 4: Conduct interviews with key employees
Step 5: Analyze processes
Step 6: Drawing data flow diagrams (DFD) and process logic diagrams (PLD)
Step 7: Updating existing job descriptions on a process-based basis
Step 8: Strategic plan workshop
Step 9: Report and presentation to the board of directors of the strategic plan, departmental analysis, updated tasks and streamlined processes, as well as recommendations for the organization and employees
Step 10: Testing the approved processes, getting feedback from managers on the processes and delivering the final processes