Our Training Programs

With Etkili A.Ş.'s Human Resources Trainings, you will reach the latest and usable information.

Some of your general gains:
• You add new skills to your development in the field of HR.
• You add value to your business. This makes you stand out from your competitors.
• Employee loyalty increases with these trainings you will receive for your employees.
• Organizational culture and HR structure will be strengthened.

Now fill out the training request form below to make it all happen. We will contact you for trainings that suit you and your organization's needs.

Performance Management and Effective Feedback
Basic Payroll Applications Training
Problem Solving and Decision Making Training
Stress and Time Management Training
Effective Communication Training
Personal Development and Motivation
Internal Communication, Problem Solving
Persuasion Engineering Training
Discover Your Inner Leader!
Body Language Training Program

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